Wednesday, 21 November 2018

What to know about the harmattan season and your car in Nigeria

We are in that season again, that season of the year when all is dry and dusty, folk its Harmattan  in Nigeria again.
During this season, our nose feels dry and breathing is a little tougher because of the composition of dust in the air it will shock you to know that our cars also face similar issues through its nose too, the air intake channel!!!, but fortunately vehicle manufacturers designed the car in a way that would not allow this dust get through the nose by putting a changeable mask to trap the dust while allowing clean air go through into the engine, this mask are the Air filter.
The engine is not the only one that enjoys this mask, the cabin(inside the car) also enjoys a similar mask, the cabin air filter. During harmattan, there is so much dust in the air that the engine air filter get dirty easily and clogged up with this dirt thereby reducing the amount of air that gets into the engine. The cabin air filter also gets clogged with dust reducing the performance of the HVAC(heating,ventilation, air conditioning) system of the vehicle.
It is therefore necessary to check the condition of these filters as we start the season, change it if its already clogged or dirty. Go to your mechanic today and check. 
Just the way there is a tendency for human to suffocate with very little or no air, blocked,clogged and dirty air filters can suffocate the engine of enough air reducing engine performance and increasing fuel consumption..  

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