Sunday, 25 November 2018

Does you car stops, jerk and stall intermittently? here are some of the reasons

Have you ever had your car stall while driving? I know it happens to a lot of people and surprisingly enough, unless you are driving a manual car you really shouldn’t be having this problem. A car stalls for numerous reasons. Some more severe (and expensive) than others, so if you have a car that stalls intermittently, you need to keep reading and not be like this guy,

A stalling car is different from your engine completely shutting off. When your car stalls intermittently it is so irritating especially in a situation like this

you can normally fix it & continue driving; unless you have known the situation and let it go for too long & you’ve run into a serious problem.
So let’s get into reasons
You Run Out Of fuel- This one is kind of obvious, but the way it happens is that you car will stall or jerk & shut off if you run out of fuel.
You Have A Bad Battery– Whether you have an old battery or the connections are not on tight enough, if you have a full tank of gas, then this is the second most common reason your car stalls. You will have warning signs beforehand, like the car not starting as quickly, or your dashboard lights flashing on and off and you know our roads, you will fall in a pothole that would reduce the contacting part of a loose connection.
You Have An Electrical Issue– If your interior or even exterior lights stop working properly, or you notice something up electrically, you could have an electrical issue. It could be a bad fuse or shunted wire, or something more serious so take it in & have your mechanic or auto electrician diagnose it.
You Have A Bad Fuel Pump– I’ve seen this happen a lot, luckily for you changing your fuel pump isn’t extremely expensive. Your fuel pump really shouldn’t go bad unless you have over 80,000 kilometres on your car. Or if you don’t care for your car properly & put a lot of strain on the fuel pump by allowing your fuel go extremely low before refilling, the fuel is a form of coolant for the hard working pump, if fuel dries up the pump is stress trying to pump low fuel and also getting hot in temperature while at it, this wears the pump out very fast..
You Have Low Oil Pressure- You will actually notice this the most if you stall when your car is on an incline. This is from not having enough oil in your car, or even having bad oil. If you don’t have enough oil in your car, you either need an oil change or you have a leak somewhere.
You Need To Check Your Coolant Reservoir- Without your coolant, your car will overheat. If you haven’t checked & changed your coolant reservoir in a while this might be the time to do so. Fix it now before your engine overheats and you have a bigger problem than just your car stalling.
You Might Need New Spark Plugs- Lastly, if you’ve checked everything above and your car is still stalling, you might need to clean or change out your spark plugs.
Unless you drive a manual car that will stall if you don’t release the clutch properly, you shouldn’t have any issues with an automatic vehicle stalling. If your car stalls intermittently, something is not right. Fix it soon before you have an engine or transmission failure! Trust me, your account balance will thank you. Be MOTOSMART

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